It's been quite a few years since I took these photographs for an audiovisual project.
I had danced at Teatro DeGollado (DeGollado's theatre, Guadalajara, México) beforehand. One performing night, I sneaked into the attic upon realisation of a tiny and unlit staircase.
It was a wonderful sight. There were windows from ceiling to floor all around, overlooking the city centre in a 360 degree angle. Weeks after my finding I had to deliver a university audiovisual project addressing a social issue. I chose to depict depression. Gathering some chutzpah!, I appeared at the theatre with my analog camera and a friend I had chosen for the project.
I managed to get access after explaining that I had performed there the previous couple of weeks. "No it won't take long" I recall answering. It took ages!. No tripod, no filters, -I used a translucent paper to make up for the lack of equipment- everything was kind of basic but the experience turned out to be rather satisfactory.